School News

Good luck to our grade 7 and 8 mixed doubles badminton team who are playing afterschool today. If you missed the badminton meeting yesterday or have questions, please come see Mrs. Steeves in the guidance area at snack today. In Harmony today at lunch in room […]
Band practice today at 11:55am in room 1069.GSA in the library at 12:15pm.Grade 7 Intramurals at 11:55am.Unwind Club in room 1086 at 11:55am.Grade 7/8 boys’ and girls’ badminton meeting in Mr. Bourque’s room 2049 during the first block of lunch to go over rankings and tournament […]
Fitness testing week for all P.E. classes. Teacher Staff appreciation week. Happy 100th day of school! Band practice at 11:55am in room 1069. GSA in the library at lunch today. Everyone is welcome. Cheer practice afterschool today from 2:35pm until 4:15pm. The grade 6 badminton team […]