School News

Boys’ division 2 softball team were victorious yesterday in the finals against Lewisville! Way to go! Please leave jerseys on Mme. Bourque’s desk. Grade 6 trip to Dieppe Aquatic Centre today. Small groups to RHS today. Welcome back grade 8’s! On behalf of Mrs. Rempe, Mrs. […]
Grade 8 Field Trip to Magnetic Hill today. Mr. Gautreau’s PE classes are in the gym today. Congratulations Division 1 girls’ on winning the banner! Meet in Porter’s room at 12:35pm to sign your banner. Comic book club in room 1094 at lunch today. A reminder […]
Grade 6 students, the FLB play park is closed today. Please go to the field. Grade 8 Field Trip to Magnetic Hill tomorrow. Music room with Mr. Wilson at lunch is cancelled. Boys’ division 2 softball team play Hillcrest afterschool for the semi-finals. Good luck, boys! […]