A reminder to all students to enter and exit the building using their assigned doors.

Wrestling practice after school. Permission forms need to be handed in to Mme. Bourque.

Please return basketball jerseys to Mme. Bourque.

There is a drama practice today at lunch time in the theatre. Meet in Mrs. Conway’s room for lunch.

RMS is pleased to announce our “Garden Seed Fundraiser” starting this week! Families will have until May 1st to purchase from a large selection of quality vegetable or flower seeds. The class who sells the most wins an Ice Cream Party! Information on how to order will be emailed to your families this week!

RMS Yearbooks for 2023/2024 school year are on sale now. The cost is $20. All orders must be placed by May 13th, 2024. Purchase your yearbook at http://ybpay.lifetouch.ca, and use the Yearbook ID Code: 147206204.

RMS is proud to announce their next Movie Night Fundraiser! Join them Friday, April 26th at 6pm to watch Gran Turismo! The cost is $3.00 a person and there will be a cash only canteen with water, popcorn, chips, and snacks.



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