Message from the Principal
Welcome to the Riverview Middle School website. Our 2023-2024 school year is off to a great start. We are excited about the year!! Riverview Middle has a very qualified and extremely dedicated staff. Our focus is to develop a school
community of Future Ready Learners. We want to meet each child’s educational need and provide them with a sense of belonging at Riverview Middle School.
Parents and Guardians play a very important role in helping their child become a Future Ready Learner. At Riverview Middle School, we want to work with parents and our wonderful community to support our students. If at anytime you
are looking for opportunities to assist in your child’s education, please connect with us.
We look forward to an exciting year ahead full of wonderful learning opportunities and community involvement!
Best Regards,
Mrs. Kim Plume-Marr, Principal
Mrs. B. Kenny, Vice-Principal
Mr. C. Hooper, Vice-Principal