Boys’ Division 2 Soccer team to meet in Mme. J. Bourque’s class first period.

Volleyball sign-up sheets in P.E. hallway.

No Cheer practice today (October 16th) after school.

District Cross-Country Finals take place tomorrow at 3:30pm at Centennial Park. Good luck!

Division 2 Girls’ Soccer team won their game 9-0 yesterday! Go girls!

There will be a GSA meeting today during all lunch in room 2049.

Congratulations to the Division 1 Girls’ Soccer team who is advancing to the district final! Special shout outs to Lindsay and Mairin who scored their first goals this season in yesterday’s 7-0 win!

The division 1 Boys are playing Lewisville today at the RMS field after school. Come out and cheer on the boys!

Youth Group has been postponed; we will announce the date later. This is an opportunity to spend time in a supportive atmosphere, make new friends, play games and win prizes!

RMS Swag for Students and Staff: RMS school clothing and grad hoodies are on sale now and will end on October 23rd, 2024. We have many school events and spirit days and encourage all students to wear red and/or RMS swag throughout the school year. You can purchase RMS swag on the link that has been sent out to parents.



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