The Girls’ Division 1 Volleyball team had a great semi-final win verse Wabanaki but came up short in the final verse Maplehurst. Still lots to be proud of this season, girls!
Boys’ Division 2 Volleyball team are playing at Salisbury tonight. Meet Mme. Bourque in the parking lot by the soccer field for a ride on the bus. The bus will be returning to RMS after the game. Thanks Mme. Bourque! Good luck, boys!
The annual Fill the Bus food drive will be happening again this year. Please bring in a donation of any non-perishable or canned goods! Help Us Fill That Bus!
There will be a GSA meeting in the library today at lunch! All are welcome.
In Harmony meeting in Miss McBeath’s room at lunch.
Some of the students Swag orders are in, we are waiting on delivery for the remainder of the orders.

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