Term 2 rotation begins today.
Inharmony meeting on the bus pad during snack break.
Boys’ Basketball tryouts Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday after school from 3pm until 4:15pm.
The volleyball Student Spirit game will be Tuesday at lunch. Team blue will play team black and team red will play team yellow. Students are welcome to spectate but must remain in the gym. Good luck to the teams!
Girls’ Division 1 volleyball team, please return your jerseys to Mme. A. Bourque.
The annual Fill the Bus food drive will be happening again this year. Please bring in a donation of any non-perishable or canned goods! Help Us Fill That Bus!
A reminder that Leadership will be collecting Fill the Bus Donations during SET this morning.
Some of the students Swag orders are in, we are waiting on delivery for the remainder of the orders.

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