MLL group is cancelled today.
There will be Art Club at lunch in Mr. Graham’s room (2018). New members are always welcome. Please bring your lunch.
Spirit Games Volleyball at lunch. Yellow vs Blue and Black vs Red.
Inharmony today at lunch in room 1069 at 12:15pm. See you all there.
Girls’ Division 1 volleyball team, please return your jerseys to Mme. A. Bourque. We will have a pizza party next week.
The annual Fill the Bus food drive will be happening again this year. Please bring in a donation of any non-perishable or canned goods! Help Us Fill That Bus!
Some of the students Swag orders are in, we are waiting on delivery for the remainder of the orders.
RMS’ Holiday Spirit Week!
- Monday December 16th – Grade level Colour Challenge: Grade 6 – Red, Grade 7 – Green, Grade 8 – Blue
- Tuesday December 17th – Ugly Holiday Sweater/Outfit. Put on your greatest or your ugliest outfit! Candy cane sales in the cafeteria!
- Wednesday December 18th – Funky Hat/Hair (only day you can wear a hat inside). Candy cane sales in the cafeteria.
- Thursday December 19th – Dress to impress. Put on your best winter style to impress your peers! Candy cane sales in the cafeteria!
- Friday December 20th – Fuzzy Christmas socks! Last day for candy cane sales! Last school day of 2024!

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