Grade level Colour Day!

No energy drinks at school.

Welcome to our guest teachers.

Thanks to Mrs. Gonçalves and Mr. Miller’s classes for being such great ambassadors for RMS on their field trip yesterday.

Congratulations to the Boys’ Division 1 Basketball team for their strong win against Marshview last night. Everyone played very well as a team. Go Royals!

In Harmony today at lunch in room 1069.

There will be Art Club at lunch in Mr. Graham’s room 2018. New members are always welcome. Feel free to bring your lunch.

Bullet journal/planning club today at 12:15pm in Mrs. Dixon’s room 2039. New members are always welcome!

A reminder that Parent/Teacher interviews are happening next week. Report Cards go home on April 11th.

Grade 8 trip is less than 80 days away!!! Any students who have not returned raffle tickets, see Mrs. Landers after announcements in room 1106. Mandatory grade 8 parent/student meeting taking place on Wednesday, April 2nd at 6pm in the theatre. If you are unable to attend, please email Mrs. Landers.

Lifetouch yearbooks for the 2024/2025 school year are on sale now and orders can be place by following the link below. The cost is $20. All orders must be place by May 13th, 2025.

Yearbook ID Code: 14720625



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