The Division 2 boys basketball team lost a close one to Shediac Cape yesterday, but the huge hustlers were Jude, Colton, and Nixon. Hayden dropped 30 points with his continuous drives to the basket.

Congratulations to the Boys Division 1 basketball team for their win last night against Queen Elizabeth. A big shout out goes to Will for leading us to the win with his hustle and many 3 pointers. The boys next game is on Wednesday at Salisbury Middle School. Go Royals!

In Harmony today at lunch in room 1069.

Wrestling practice today starting at 2:45pm. Please bring permission slips.

Join us April 2nd, next Wednesday, during periods 1 to 3, some of our Grade 8 classes are hosting a Power Play Entrepreneurial market where you can buy things during school time! 10% of profits will be going to charity! Support our students and support our local community!

Grade 8 trip – Mandatory parent/chaperone/student meeting Wednesday, April 2nd at 6pm. in the theatre. If you are not able to attend, let Mrs. Landers know.

Gift Card Fundraiser – Mrs. Landers needs to know your grand total of funds raised asap. She has left a sheet in her room to record your totals.

The RMS Talent show – The RMS talent show will take place on Wednesday, April 23rd starting at 6:30pm. After school practice will not be taking play Wednesday of this week as Mrs. Landers is not here. We will resume after school practice next week.

Lifetouch yearbooks for the 2024/2025 school year are on sale now and orders can be place by following the link below. The cost is $20. All orders must be place by May 13th, 2025.

Yearbook ID Code: 14720625



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